Thursday, October 20, 2011

Curly Hair #2

Here is round two of curly hair.
No heat, no hassle, overnight curls!
This one may be a little more tricky so make sure to practice.
It may take a few tries to get it just right.

Step 1: Lightly dampen hair and place an elastic headband over hair across your forehead continuing down to the base of your neck.

Step 2: Taking small stripes of hair, wrap around the headband. (I have found the best way to do this is to pull the headband away from your head with the chunk of hair where you are starting and use your opposite hand thumb to come under the headband pulling the hair down. this will keep it clean without pulling whispies.)After the first wrap take a little more and wrap around the headband behind the first. Continue until you get to the base of your neck, then wrap the tail (end of hair) around the headband until it is gone.(make sure to keep the end of your hair on the side you wrapped first. You will need room at the base of your neck for the other side.)

does that make sense?

Step 3: Repeat step 2 on the other side.

This is what your hair should look like when you are done.
And no I wasn't punched in the eyes. I just have dark circles. It's a curse.

Back view.
Step 4: Once everything is wrapped. Spray lightly with hairspray and head off to sleep.

Step 5: Remove headband, finger comb and apply addition product. I like herbal essence shine serum and dove medium hold hairspray.

Hope this works for you.
Let me know if you have an questions.
See you around.


  1. TAYLOR!! yaay i found your blog :) love this post, i totally needed a tutorial like this the other day and i am glad i came across your amazing blog :) hope all is well with you and your little family. love and miss you lots!

  2. You are seriously too cute!!! I love this. I wish wordpress were as easy. I love your regular posts and each one is such a great idea and so full of your adorable personality. Thanks for being you! Love ya, Mimi

  3. Great Ideas! you have some fabulous ideas. And you are so beautiful!
